Chakras Technology GDPR FAQ

  • 1. What is Chakras Technology’s approach to the GDPR?
    Chakras Technology Co., Limited. We comply with current EU data protection law, and will comply with GDPR. We provide advertising technology services including its mobile advertising exchange, the Chakras Technology website. Our Services allow publishers of mobile applications (“apps”) and websites to show ads on their sites and apps.

  • 2. Is Chakras Technology a data controller or a data processor?
    We are the controller of the data we use as part of the Chakras Technology Services.

  • 3. How does Chakras Technology collect information?
    Our services are designed to connect publishers and advertisers around the world. For the personal data, we will not collect such as the user’s advertising identifier, precise location, or interest or demographic information such as age and gender. We may still receive data such as the user’s IP address, Cookies for limited purposes based on separate legal grounds for processing, such as legal necessity or legitimate interests.

  • 4. How We Use the Information We Collect?
    We use the information we collect to provide and improve Chakras Technology Services, as well as to enable and allow for the improvement of related services provided by Chakras Technology Customers or other third party partners in connection with the Chakras Technology Services and across the broader advertising ecosystem, including for the following purposes:
    • Ad Reporting and Conversions: Reporting to advertisers information about when and how users have been exposed to their ads, clicked on their ads, or visited their website, and reporting to publishers information about when and how ads were shown on their properties and were clicked on.

    • Fraud Detection and Prevention: Identifying invalid clicks (or ad queries) and protecting Chakras Technology and Chakras Technology Customers from fraudulent behavior.
    • Geo-Targeting: Where permitted by the user’s device, allowing Chakras Technology and Chakras Technology Customers to serve ads based on a user’s location.
    Chakras Technology will not combine the non-personally identifiable information collected to provide the Chakras Technology Services with your personally-identifying information without your express consent.

  • 5. Information Sharing and Disclosure
    We may disclose information about Chakras Technology Customers when necessary to provide the Chakras Technology Services to them, such as for account inquiries or verification, or to enable participation in certain features of our mobile advertising exchange.